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  • ChrisinNY says:

    Holding the good thought for inspiration and fortune to help make the way clear

  • Marcia says:

    Thanks, ChrisinNY! I sure hope something good comes from all this.

  • Amanda says:

    I wonder about writing based careers — grant writing for nonprofits and the like? I have no idea what those pay, but I view them as consisting of being able to read and synthesize and persuade –> seemed to me like a decent back up plan at some point.

    Also, whenever my advisees would come to me about what should I do with my life, I’d tell them to go to the career center and take those strengths finder tests….I was often surprised by the careers that they returned with — things I’d never heard of or thought about. Don’t know if that’s a useful thought or not though since you probably already think about these resources.

  • Marcia says:

    I think that being a grant writer is a possibility, but it’s not really something I want to do. Then again, a lot of times choice has little to do with what people do. Sometimes it’s just whatever falls in your lap.

    My sister keeps telling me to run for office since I can speak in front of crowds of virtually any size without breaking a sweat. (And I have principles, etc.) I think having money helps on that front, and we’re debt poor. And honestly, I don’t want to sell my soul just yet.

    • Amanda says:

      I would love to see someone like you run for office… But I think you are right that paying the bills via public officialdom is a tricky bargain.

      • admin says:

        Yeah… and what principles would I have to compromise in order to pay the bills? Haha. God, I wish an answer would fall out of the sky.

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