It’s all new and exciting. You’ll get used to it and then be able to sleep, but it’s lovely to enjoy the excitement when it’s fresh. One step at a time. Maybe success as a playwright will mean someone asks you to be a script doctor, and that could lead to more such gigs. Right now, you’re in Indiana getting your plays produced, and that is great!
Dame Eleanor – Yes, it’s good to get something produced. I just would like to make a living off of it. It’s hard to know how little the arts are valued in this state when you’re trying to make a living from them. But maybe I can be part of turning that around. One may hope…
It’s all new and exciting. You’ll get used to it and then be able to sleep, but it’s lovely to enjoy the excitement when it’s fresh. One step at a time. Maybe success as a playwright will mean someone asks you to be a script doctor, and that could lead to more such gigs. Right now, you’re in Indiana getting your plays produced, and that is great!
Dame Eleanor – Yes, it’s good to get something produced. I just would like to make a living off of it. It’s hard to know how little the arts are valued in this state when you’re trying to make a living from them. But maybe I can be part of turning that around. One may hope…