White feminism

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  • Dame Eleanor Hull says:

    What a lot of up-and-down your life is. I’m sorry I don’t comment more often, and glad you’re keeping up the blog. I hope your gallstone problem resolves as cheaply and easily as possible, and that your plays get produced. On the race issue, I think you should stick to your principles. You could point out that it’s problematic having a white person write characters of color . . . but maybe not, maybe then they’d try to get someone else to re-write your play. Sigh. But I think all your points are valid.

    • admin says:

      Yeah – lots of ups and downs. On the whole, there are more ups these days than downs, but it’s not very interesting reading about how happy I am, is it? LOL. I’ve thought about (and talked about) the race dilemma with the play, and I think that this theatre wants something that I’m not going to do. So I’ll have to just say no and move on, I think. Shrug.

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