Shrill – 4/6 the way through review

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  • heu mihi says:

    One of the things that I really liked about “Gilmore Girls” was that Melissa McCarthy’s character was overweight (esp. for TV), and it was *never an issue.* I waited for someone to say something–anything–about it, and it never once came up (that I noticed, and I was pretty alert to it). Men were attracted to her, she had love interests and sub-plots, and her body was a total non-issue–totally normalized, as you say. I wish that there were a LOT more of that in our culture.

    • admin says:

      I wasn’t a huge fan of the Gilmore Girls. I didn’t like the acting style on that show. I felt like I’d never known anyone who talked like that, so I had a hard time getting past the style. However, I like that Melissa McCarthy’s character was treated like a person. That’s definitely something that Shrill lacks!

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